Last week we looked at the adaptation of graphic novels into film. This week we are looking at this process in reverse. Select a screenplay to read from the course resource page. Please select one for which, ideally, you have not seen the movie. Read the screenplay without watching the movie.

Writing Assignment: Select a significant scene from the screenplay you have chosen. Adapt this scene into a one to two page comic. Remember this is not a storyboard, please use any of the techniques unique to comics to try to energize your story. The completed work does not have to be produced in a finished form. The quality of the art is not important to this assignment, what is important is how you break down the story and shape into sequential art. The primary point is to focus on communicating what you think are the important threads that run through the scene in the screenplay. Please post your comic on your blog.
After you make your comic you can watch the movie for your screenplay.
Looking ahead to the next assignment your will be asked to watch three movies from a list of directors on the syllabus. Discuss how the three films embody a point of view of the director as author, should you believe that such a point of view exists. Alternatively you can argue against the authorial point of view as a way to understand and read film.
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