Monday, November 17, 2014

Week Thirteen: Remix Culture and Intellectual Property

This morning we will be visiting the current exhibit at he Selby Galleries, Evan Roth: Intellectual Property Donor. We will meet in our usual classroom and attend the gallery show for an hour. We will return to our classroom at 10:15 for an assessment of some of the reading skills we have worked on this semester.

The reading assignment for next week is to read Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore, The Medium is the Massage. The writing assignment is to compose your own page incorporating an insight or observation you have about the current mediascape to add to McLuhan's book. Post your page on your blog by next week's class, Nov. 25. We will review the pages in class and meet with David Houle the college's resident futurist.

Please bring your laptop to class today.